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[준주] 노스웨스트 테리토리 (NT) 회생파산시 면제재산 종류와 범위 Bankruptcy Exemptions in Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories (NWT) – Exempt Property

노스웨스트 준주 면제재산 및 면제금액


Exempt Property

면제재산 종류

Limit ($)

면제금액 (최대)


면제재산 보기

Food and fuel

12 months’


식품, 연료: 향후 12개월간 공급분

Personal Effects

개인용품, 소지품




채무자 같이 사는 가족들의 생활에 필요한 의복, 신발, 개인용품, 밖의 생활필수품, 시계, 반지, 목걸이, 노트북, 컴퓨터, 스마트폰.

Household Furniture & Effects

가구, 가전, 살림



Furnishings and appliances; utensils, equipment.

가구, 가전, 전자제품, 부엌살림, 생활장비.

(, 고가 골동품 가구는 비면제재산).

Motor Vehicle

차량 한대


Car, truck, etc.

일인당 한대의 자동차 또는 트럭 .

Principal Residence

부동산 순자산 (Equity)


Principal residence (including a mobile home) per name on title. 모바일홈을 포함한 주거주 주택, 건물의 실소유주 일인당 홈에퀴디 금액 (캐나다 전체주 가운데 가장 높은 부동산 면제금액).

Tools of Trade

사업장비, 기구


Ordinarily use for personal, business, profession

주로 개인, 직업, 비지니스에 필요한 장비, 설비, 기계 .

Hunting Tools




Health Aids



Wheelchairs, walking devices, hearing aids, etc.

채무자등의 일상생활에 필요한 안경, 보청기, 의치, 의수족, 지팡이, 장애보조용 바퀴의자, 밖에 이에 준하는 신체보조기구 의료기구.




All retirement savings plans: RRSPs, RRIFs, DPSPs & Pensions. (Excluding recent contributions in 12 months).

모든 은퇴적금 (, 지난 12개월 이내에 불입한 것은 면제재산에서 제외).


1.    Food and fuel: twelve months’ supply.

2.    Clothing: unlimited.

3.    Household furniture and appliances: up to $5,000.

4.    Tools of the trade: up to $12,000.

5.    Hunting tools: up to $15,000.

6.    Principal residence: up to $50,000 (including a mobile home) per name on title.

7.    One motor vehicle up to $6,000

8.    Health aids: unlimited.

9.    Social allowance, handicap benefit or a widow’s pension if the proceeds from the payment are not intermingled with any other of your funds.

10.  All registered retirement savings plans (RRSP’s, RRIF’s and DPSP’s (Deferred Profit Sharing Plans).

§  There will be no upper cap on the amount of RRSPs that can be protected however contributions made in the 12 months prior to the date of bankruptcy will be recovered (clawed back) for the benefit of the bankruptcy estate for RRSPs in provinces without RRSP exemption laws (BC, Alberta, Ontario, NB, and NS).

§  There will be no need to set up the RRSPs in a locked in plan to make them eligible for exemption.

§  The court will have no jurisdiction to extend the one year claw back period in an appropriate case.


The above exemptions for the territories do not apply if:

§  You are behind on child or spousal support payments.

§  You have absconded or are about to abscond from territories leaving no spouse or family behind.


Statute: Read the NWT Exemptions Act.


We strongly recommend that you contact our Financial Restructuring Specialist to review your personal situation and determine what you can keep if you file for bankruptcy or proposal.


     [저작권자©ZeroDebt Canada Inc. ()캐나다채무청산희망플러스무단복제 및 전재-재배포 금지]     

상기의 본문은 일반적인 교육 목적으로만 제공되었으며 법적 조언이 아닙니다.    

본인의 상황에 맞는 구체적 조언을 받기 위해서는 반드시 사전 선임 retainer  통해서 상담을 하시기 바랍니다.    

Disclaimer:    This is not intended as legal advice. This is offered for informational purposes only.     

법무사 SUNNIE JUNG  Licenced Paralegal | Financial Restructuring Specialist | info@zero-debtcanada.com     

1.888.510.ZERO (9376) | 647.560.HOPE (4673) | www.zero-debtcanada.com | www.facebook.com/ZeroDebtCanada | www.4debtors.ca